
ID Cargopedia: (oculto)

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Mid-Century is the place where you will always find art and design pieces executed during the 20th century by some of the most important producers and designers of the era.

Estado de la empresa: Activo

  • No figura en el BPI (Boletín de Procedimientos de Insolvencia)

NIF: 5618461
Número de registro: J03/563/1994

Domicilio: STR...., P... A...

Gente en la administración de la compañía


  • Farma...
  • Farma...


  • Farma...
  • Farma...
Datos financieros 2023*
Puntaje financiero: 72%
The financial rating is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A low financial rating signals the risk that, in the absence of a loan, the company may enter into insolvency in the near future.
  • Volumen de ventas: 335...
  • Lucro: -33...
  • Efectivo y banco: 189...
  • Capitales: 633...
  • Deudas al estado: ? (oculto)
  • Capital social: 400...

* Datos del balance fiscal publicado el 31/12/2023

Datos financieros completos y análisis anuales »